Shop Update Preview- 30th Mar, 8:00pm GMT+1
Moonshadow Mini Skein Set
Where does a month go to?! Before the time changed I was looking out the window on a night of the full moon. There were no clouds in the sky and the light from the moon was incredibly bright- you could see everything from it. It was so bright in fact that it was creating beautiful shadows on the ground of all the plants and things in our garden. I decided to create a mini skein set inspired by those beautiful shadows that night.
I dyed this on my Hearth Sock base and you can read more about this base here. Now the time has changed, and we have also had a little bit of sun which I have really been enjoying. Things in the greenhouse and garden have ramped up (but still keeping things manageable with a baby on board), and everything is coming together finally. We are finishing off a little planting scheme, laying paving and growing some tomatoes and salad. Maybe you’d be interested in seeing some posts about that here?
If purchasing the Moonshadow Mini Skein Set (or anything blue!) that indigo crocks off when knitting with it, this is not considered a fault- you can read more about it here under the “Natural Dyes” section. I’ll also include aftercare instructions for anyone who purchases a skein of indigo dyed yarn.
I hear a lot of you missed the Natural Sock base in the last update. Well I’ve got good news for you- it’s back in lots of summery colours on Wednesday night. Colours top to bottom- Indigo, Wildflower Dark, Daffodil, Mustard, Shepherd’s Delight, Cognac, Peony, Jasmine, Oyster.
I’m probably not the first person to think that this is a somewhat Christmassy combination of colours below (maybe it’s my subconscious?!). So if you fancy knitting a Christmas pair of socks in April- behold!- the Spring Bracken Sock Set! You can even save them up for the festive season this year, if you are very self controlled!
Spring Bracken Sock Set
Hearth Sock & Natural Sock Colours

I’ll also have a mini skein set in Natural Sock- this is my Greenhouse Mini Skein Set. It’s super cute, springy and pastel. I was imagining a pair of scrappy socks knitted in this, to cosy up to go out to the green house in (or to tend to your house plants!).
Greenhouse Mini Skein Set
Thanks for reading this far. Here’s a photo of the lazy Rufus dog and my Scattered Petals Cowl, in the basket ready for some outside knitting! Any yarn related questions, advice on colour combinations etc do get in touch via my contact page and I can help you out from there.
Emma x